--no title--
hey blog
u muz be so so lonely...haha...
onces again..janet have not been blogging...
okok...was too too too bz to update la..
hmm....ppl start to said i emo again..
haha...but wat to do...actually i not emo da lor..(but actually i some times agree tt i am EMO...)
haha...wat a life ah...
hmm...okok...let's update a little..
wed 31 oct today is a long day for me..
morning wakeup at 7am ..
n i am in sch till now....haiz..
for cbt la...haha....and ofcouse to do e-learing n my Resumes
which is due today at 5.30pm.. n i start doing it only today at 5...
wat the....whatever
ytd tuesday 30oct
had a match with SMA..
n onces again..
we lost....and i got to said tt we did a gd job..
hmm..i got to said tt plz stupid ref plz take note when u walk ..
haha...why coz he is really very very l.....haiz...dont said le..
said le i oso sad...but i thk he better take care of him-self..
if not god bless him more ah..!!!!!!!
29oct monday was lianGx2 birthday..
happy bday to u...!!!!
and actually we wanna go eat pasta de..
but harbourt de..
but.....they renovate..!!!...n it starts on 29 to 4 nov..
wat the..
thn we whn bugis..
and so we settle our-self at MOF...

next time dont bring janet out la
thn u all can go eat wat u wann...
NO LA... joking...leave me out i kill u all ah... wahaha...

haha..(actually got almond de but they forgot to put)
the food there taste great (they said de)but to me...i thk tt the serving attitude need more improvement...

meh meh bring out the cake..
she said tt she wan go there learn how to make cake..so all the best to her..meh after u learn le MUZ teach me ah..haha

okok...after tt some of us when to take the train home together..
ofcouse nothing to do thn take alotx of pic...

happy bday..!!
28oct Sunday
finally today i get to go buy jeans....!!!..
wahaha..but was sad tt my old one spoil le..

wahahhaha...so so happy..
thanx so much mummy.!!!..
it is a little bit longer thn my legs..
but i dont thk i wan to cut it short..
so i can jump more.. n grow taller

mummy oso brought a new bag for mei ting.. white again..haha..
ya lor ever since i start to wear or like white more..my area is becoming having more n more WHITE..

haiz..next wk is e-learing wk..
i dont so like e-learing..
cos got alot of kuku work to do...