wee-lo.. ..^^..
e gal in this house is back...!!..
like finally..haha..
haf been long since she last blogged...
nn she is kind of lost on whr to start bloggin again..
guess post-ing pictures is the best...
pictures speaks a thousand words...(not all=.=..coz there is too too many of them tts e problem of not kept updatin blogs..haha..)
ohoh..she is currently doin degree in tai tai..haha..
for those who knows wat it means...lOl..
okok her her pictures time goes....
meet up with dear dear back to sch...
nn nn ofcoz whn to club house nn nn...
her is e next event tt ii am lookin forward tooo....

ii like e poster for this time lot lotx...NICEE!!! well done-ed =D
20th July.
stayed at home and was a little -nothing to do-
so so so...ii whn to wash my two cute doggy...=)
haf been long since ii last wash-ed them...
err err..may be more thn 3yrs coz ii dont rmb washin thm whn i iwas in poly..
but but thkin back.....3yrs haf pass-ed juz liktt...
wow...can someone use magic nn brin back the 3yrs...
ii kind of miss my sch life alot alot...nn nn my class..nn nn those time...=)
okok..here jaNet present....her two cute dog...

YEAH...they all both clean clean again....^^...
18th July.
it is Samantha 21th Birthday celebration...=)
haf fun there...!!..pictures tells more...

top: Girls in DDM..=D

16th July.
roller roller roller blade-ing....!!!..
haha...haf lot lot of fun....
although ii still errr....un-balance.. err err nn err..falll...bleax...

so clap clap...haha...
dear dear is to zai tt the last weel juz drop of on our way back...wahaha..
12 July.
nn whn to see Dr. on the mornin of her bday..lOl...
gal ah..next yr bday dont fall sick le hor...bleax...
11th July.
Whn to test out on our clothes for grad night...
ii like the clothes lot lot..lOl..bleax...
ohoh..after tt whn to watch fireworkx...
rain rain before the fireworkx even starts...
poke poke..
but but manage to catch it though...actually didt really plan to take any pic..but but..
watch haf way still took some pictures..haha..
ohoh this yr got heart shape de wox....super nice..haha.
lookin forward to more fireworks..^^..
04th July.
Jun wei's 21th birthday celebration..=)
tt day was bao bei 21th birthday as well..haha....
happy 21th bday to both of them..=D

ohoh stay-ed to watch sun-rise...
but but e cloud was to thick for anythg.....poke poke...
01 July.
MUMMY's Birthday...^^..
Happy Birthday Mummy ^^..
27th June.
whn roller with dear dear..haha...
ii like the fun...although ii fall for alot of time..
but but tt is stil lsame as life..
fall nn pick ur-self up again..^^...
10th June.
a mini meet up with some close ddm mates..=)
all the best in NS for Jevi my ah gong...nn John..=)
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