mon 30june
a day passes..... wothout any warning....
a week passes.. and there a monday comes
a mth passes...... n it is another mth....
but wat if a life time passes...
would u thk u would regret whn u look back..

todday is about to end...
n i haven do CENI...ahh...
deadline on coming friday....
omg omg omg...!!!
ok ok blog n update abit ok..
well today i kind of wakeup early..
but thn i dont know y i still left home late today...
the camera was so super heavy..
but was lucky tt on one stop me at the mrt to check on
well..lesson whn to film ...
was fun fun learning this way..^^..
after tt whn to log my NDP n do ECI...
was so happy tt adeline got the DVD tt teacher wan us to
work on..
copy it into my hard disk..
but thn ah..
it said 4mins left after a long time of waiting..
but thn but thn...
it suddenly become 124mins..
as i was feeling so super very tired..
i click on cancle and whn home...=.=//
till ireach my house here the traffic light thn i suddenly rmb ttt
today got GM for CADC AGM...
i thk i am super tired tt i kept forgetting thgs again n again..
i need more time..
ppl can u all donate some times to me..??..
felt super left out sometime...
no one wans me..
i thk so..

keeping me awake with the
fresh orange juice...
i make it myself....
to cheer me up..
but i thk..
it did not ba...
i am actually feeling so bad now..
i dont know wat happens to me..
sun 29 june
wakeup abit unwilling...
i am black in the mirror..
till i dont know tt it is me...
super shock..
lucky tt serene cancel the morning badminton...
coz i oso got no energy to move alittle more..
i try very hard today to online find the viedo tt teacher need
us to use to do an assignment that i need to hand in on
wow...shock tt i can't find ever since long time ago..
but was more thn happy n thankfull to deyi who help me
found it..
so happy..
but hn i let it load..
thn ..later ERROR...=.=//
but thk nvm tml thn do ba..
well today i whn to get my hair cut..
it was kind of short for me...coz my befor wan was v.long..
but ok la.
over all i stil like it ..heehee..
~picture being re-move-ed~
(top): my super hair cut..haha..
not tt super though..haha..

nothing to do..??..
NO..!!!..i an bz bz..
sat 28 june
today us NDP day..
this is the 3th sat that i am at NDP haha..
i thk i would miss the time after next wk as i thk next wk would
b the last wk tt i would be filming there le..
would miss u all de..!!!!..^^
oh well today i didt not really bath under the hot sun for
v.long.. well as compare with last two wks la..
but thn i dont know y i get to become super black again...
well today i finally got my ndp pass..haha..
that picture is the one on my admin card.
stupid so not tt nice
today ndp fireworks got more thn next wks..
i love fireworks...!!!....^^..

the food..!!!(my dinner..^^)
~picture being remove-ed~
who is tt..??