wow...super wow..
haha...janet is here to update her blog le wox..
it is not tt i dont wanna update..
is juz tt i got many many pic to update but thn blogger some how created some problem for me whenever i updat photos..
nvm...see it is now being sloved..!!!...
well sch reopen..
to me holiday is like no holiday..
i feel tt holiday is like sch days n sch days is like an holiday..
it is not tt sch days is relax or wat..
but dont know why it juz feel this way..
well let's up date...

24 june.
today is an rainning day..
but i still ate this..
i juz wanna eat la..
welll today is FYP lesson..
so as usual not much of ppl was on time..haha..
after lesson whn eat lunch n stay to do abit of fyp..
i juz cant concentrate n i dont know why... ..
23 june...
first day of sch reopen..
but actually did i even have an holiday..haha..
below is some wonderful pic..
actually the main high-light tt i wanna point out is wei jie's hair..haha..
he look better in

22june sunday
well last day of sch holiday..
get to do some duty in the morning ..
it was rainning as well in the morning n poor me got to wake up at 7.30am so as to go do
super gd rain leh..
but nvm it is a gd chance for me to learn there..=)
saw some of my long time no see friends..
do miss thm alot but there was not much time for us to talk..
hope tt next time we would haf time to meet up tot..
at night daddy bring us out to eat..
the plack is at sengkang...

sorry i only manage to get one pic...but as u can see the food is kanna eaten already de..haha..
the rest dont need to said=p

on top: congratulaton it is a bar...haha..
well dont ask me how it taste like coz i haven open it to taste..haha..=p
21 june sat
today was out the whole day to shot NDP tralia 2....
hot sun..!!!..i didt took much pic but was interested in the pic below

actually not much ppl get to see this..
it is how the fireworks setup looks like..haha..
tired =.=..
16, 18-20june
VEFX filming toook me the four days..
well we whn shopping to get clothes ...
buy this n that..
thn was in filming on the 19 n 20june..


some pic of VEFX..
for more pic i need to wait for adeline to pass it to me..haha..

top: one of an random days....
yummy yummy
14june sat
first day of NDP filming...

hungry hungry..

top: me turn super red...
lol...n turn super black again..
i thk i said ppl black too much le now me too become black..haha..
one of the day whn we when back to sch during haoliday...

well as u can see..thn tope first pic..
is actually a chocolate found in a sweet can..
those kind who only got sweet..
i rmb last time when i was in sec sch..
someone told me tt out of many manymany box..only got one with a chocolate..
n out of so many many box tt i ate this is really the first time i saw a chocolate in it..
it is said tt u can make a wish whn u eat it or wat de..haha..
lucky me..haha..
i hope tt my luck is comming..hahaha..
below is pic tt i took when we when for NDP trailer thgy...

8 june sunday..
the wedding bell ring..haha..
it is karen's wedding..
well i can not realy rmb how much older she is from me..haha..
but i can rmb i use to run n play at her house when i was young..haha..

the wedding was held in CH
the food was yummy..
i eat till i forget to take pic of the food...=p

me n sis

me n sis again..

we again...!!

top: the 4 dance tt they r told to do..haha..
i cant really rmb much of it...
i only know tt it pass really fast..haha...
some pic...haha..
more to come i hope..haha..

top: is done by me n jim...!!!

top: the super men n super woman..!!!
below: guess who draw this nice pic..!!!

yes u r right..
it is draw by janet...!!!..wahaha...XD
i love S.T.U.N. ...

some other pic..haha..

wat we buy....

below: the chief cook..!!!... yi jia...!!!-=)

some other days...
long time no updates..
below " i finally brought a shorts..

was outside one sat with mummy n sis..n we saw this..
make me so happy suddenly..haha..

this is super beautiful too...!!!

ohya bty..
my house there de lift finally done...

random : one day we when to play...haha..

random : this brand of paint...

random : a bz wednesday..haha

random : a bz wednesday2 below is me n ade

random (below): a bz wednesday 3..
well if u wonder who is next to me..
it is esther....
n i miss her the most..
she is currently not in singapore now...
missing u esther...

random 4: the BIG CARD

random : who

random : drinking this???

random : CADC love to play this

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