finally i up-dated
26 Dec
now in sch..haha.. back is in pain...
still in
any thg...well finally i get to really up-date my blog..
is not i dont wan up-date l..
is tt donr know y blogger dont wan let me put photoes for the past few days..
so i tt's y dont wan up-date..
i waanna put photos on my blog..haha...
any way
2008 coming!!!!!..
merry x'mas ppl..!!!...
haha...may all our wish-es came true....
colour-ed-up ur life ba...haha...!!!...=DD

sis daddy n me..!!!..
now u know why i am so short
24 dec
first day at work in minitoons after so many yrs..haha..
minitoons outlet..haha..
gift wrapping was wat i did for the whole day..haha..
fun...i actually love to gift wrap..coz can feel the happiness whn ppl open the gift..
though today was x'mas eve...haha...n i whn working...
abit no life right..
but to me...frens at the working place n learn more thgs there
actually colour-up-ed my life too..haha..whn home at12.30am++..n reach home at 1am++..
lucky still got bus from AMK to some where near home if not i thn i will walk home haha...
very far...n crazy i know...
but tt's life wat..u got to try try try new thgs..haha..

the cake at minitoons..

i love
the sweetSss..!!!..

today is CADC X'mas Gathering...
whn to eat with thm(abt 24 of us i thk)...n thn whn to walk around..
(ps. ppl if u happen to come by this blog n u happen to haf my pic...
can pass it to me..coz i found tt i took a number of pic...
but non-of-thm is with me thanx ...)thanx everyone for ur present....
thought i dont haf any to gif...
promise to gif it to u all next yr ok ok...haha...

the night


the food..!!!...

i actually like this ice-cream..!!!..
public holiday...
got nothg much to said...
when shopping with my family..haha..
miss the old days whn i am still young..haha..
walk pass minitoon n was ask-ed to go back work..haha...
i agree-ed coz now home oso not much mood to do assignment..
muz well go wok right...thn gt $$$ some more..haha...
whn back to sch in the morning...coz wanna go gym..
n oso do some exercise..haha..but gym open at whn to play badminton first..
haha..after tt thn go gym..
thn whn to thn after tt whn to play badminton
after tt when to deco the club...haha...

whole day stay at home..
well actually is to do assignment de.
but thn got no left it there..
haha..i dont thk i can finish thm ba...
but i am not going to care so much for this week.i mean come-on...
holiday leh...iss't it for me to rest....
so tt i can walk a longer road..??
but talk is talk...i still need to do thm..
ok thoday sis is going to take her N-Level result..n she pass-ed...!!...
which means she can go sec5 la..but i still did a better job thn her in my N-Level...haha..
but felt so happy for her tt she did well...haha..ok...thk tt's all for today...
17 dec
morning wakeup early..(dont know for wat)wh sch coz got event(ya ya)-home visit..
whn to adventist home...
which was some thg like an old-folk home...
whn there to play some game with thm...thn sing songs for thm..
thn after tt whn back sch...for song prec...
ya ya...thn whn watch tv n slp..assignment
.....haix....wait for tml thn do ba...
15dec - 16 dec
happy bday is the last event of CADC month le...haha...
actually meetinh thm in sch to play badminton de....
but i was late coz..whn to print photos but the stupid thgg dont let me print as it does not support
hmm..thn reach sch at 4pm...
kuku de...kept rainning....
haiz...actually wanna/ feel like going running de
after tt whn for the bbq....but stilll rainning...haha....
thanx god tt the rain finally stop at last n every thgg whn on well...
hmm....after tt everyone whn for the movie thgg in the dance studio ...
n i whn bathing.... neck is stupid-ly itchy....
haiz....thn after tt whn for the movie thggs..
i was asleep and awake at times...haha...
coz most of the movie i watch befor n some is not as interesting as it is...
so...haha...n i wake up here n there to play facebook...haha....
after tt is lucky-draw...
n i got a pair of movie ticket..haha...
movie anyone...haha...
thn after tt whn for bread-first with some of them at harbourFront thn whn home...
took a bath again as my stupid neck is itchy...
whn to bed...
mummy called home at a point of time whn i was asleep n i whn to pick up the phone calls..
but it feel like a dream thn real..haha...

the cake

the ppl..??..

boss in gals toilet

thge morning wakeup

the first prize..!!!...
happy bady again daddy... is some pic tt i promise...