i better update my blog before it is too late...
i like very long nv really up date my blog daily le..
hmm...but wat to do...??..haha..
hmm....life is bz bz...
time is so so so less less...
if one day got 25hr thn i thk my life will be totally different le ba..haha..

09Dec sun
yup ever since in the morning when i wake up...
actually is wanna go out eat breadfirst with my family de..
but did not...cos when i wake up n feel the rain..
i fall back to bed n tell mummy tt i am not going out..
gd weather to slp lor..haha..
i so long nv really enjoy myself le lor...^^*
thn after tt wakeup to eat my breadfirst at 10am....
thn do assignment..
no life hor.....haha..
rendering my animation...but render for almost he whole day le...
now thn know tt i render in wrong formate..
i dont care...tml go sch thn re-render ba..
wat to do...
i thk render in sch would not take me alotx of time de...
cos even my labtop can take it n do to me quit fast de job..
so sch de should be faster...haha..
watch "the golden horse award" juz now...
mummy ask me watch for.....WAT..??..
coz for her like nothg to watch ma..
thn i tell mummy u will nv know..
suddenly one day ur daughter will get to
get an award there..haha..
08 Dec sat
wow..another week gone...
so stupid fast..haha...dont know why time past so fass de sia..
hmm....so fast anbother week gone..
later another month gone..
thn another year gone..
haiz so fast for wat..
today is sat...so wake up early in the morning to do myy 3DCA assignment...
thn cook some pasta for my lunch..haha..
after tt whn for CADC month...
first event..
actually dont feel like going de..
coz got to do assignment..
but is jun hong de event so MUZ go suport...haha..
hmm...the event was fun...an to me was a gd idea..
i got to team up with jas, yi jia, aug, meh..haha..
hmm...we was first..wahahahaha....
took a number of picture...hope to get it from thm..haha..
after tt actually is wanna go home de..
coz we thk very long got no place to go..
hmm...thn whn taking train suddenly feel like going shopping walk walk see got x'mas present to buy ma..
so me n liying alight together at vivo with the few boys (who actually is wanna go vivo to watch movie but they did not in the end...lol)...haha..
after tt whn home n do assignment...
i thk i finishing le..
but not tt sure am i doing the right thggs..
coz is 40% of the whole module...abit afraid...
pray pray....**

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