-no title-
06 Nov
wow....my blog is dead...!!!..
haha....i thk i should start to blog less n spend more time on my
assignment n drawing more things ...
i should start to go less to club too ma..??...
not sure....
thgs in sch was haiz Haiz HAIZ...
everyone is starting to get
their thgs...building up their folder for ITP...(to find a gd company)
but i am at no where..
haiz....may be i should stop..
....yup...i thk so...
but can i..??!!...i am too attract to it le...
use to it le..
ITP how..!!!...
where should i go...???..
do cadc provide ITP for ppl too??
ok...not be so emo ...!!...
hmm..last week got a number of match with a number of club..
haha....n we LOST..!!!
haha...but we lost in proud....
and i got to said tt i am proud of all the captain's ball ppl..!!!..
u all RULEs....!!...haha...
hmm...last friday we should haf a match with EEE...
but they did not come(haiz we wan to play de lor..)
so ended up walk over....haiz...
but before tt we watched SMA vs SPSU...
cool ..!!!...
haha... there played very well..!!!!...
thn tt night watch SPSU vs Sport club..play Bball
wow...i nv know tt sport club is so so strong...
99...!!!...oh god...
so cool...!!!..
how i wish we can get it too..haha...
hmm..our last match was at sat....
n after the match Finally...!!!...
i got to eat PASTA.....!!!...

n see how much of cheeezzzz we ate...!!..
oh ya charity bazaar next week...
ppl plz come to fc2 to support janet's event..!!!
jia you Janet...!!!...
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