clear-ing up the webs that is around my blog..
blow blow*
clean clean*
wipe wipe*
my blog is like dead for awhile....(("?))
now a little drop of every thg...
having the mood to updating the blog is important..=))
having the time is more important too..lOl..
hmm.. wat-ever it is..
the gal in this house -->>janet tt's me...
is finally here to update..haha.=DD
she is bz bz... wif wat..??
oh well guess she oso dont really knows.. haha..
haf been read-ing a lotx in this holiday..
still waiting for more nice books to come in...
some picz of my life now.
still wating as usual for more to come in..=.=..i wounder..

Pic on-top:
am currently removing all my black finger nails colour..
oh well...
dont be shock if u haf seezz me in the black nails..
trust me they look really really cool..haha..=))
n i love it too..
removing it coz brought a new colour..
so wanna try more colours..haha.=))
i would put on the black again.....soon~

Pic on-top:
shop-ing days...
meet-ed up wif my dear serene on the
oh well realy a relax shop-ing day for us..
expect for the
rain-s that pour..haha..
i really miss tt old days lotx..
brought a new small bag...a new clothes n a new colour for my nails...
Serens...whn is the next wan coming up on..??

More picz..of the two...=))
OH ya ya...
the gal in this house whn to work on the IT show on the Aug...
on the
28-31 Aug...
n it was so fun..haha..
well ppl own me drinks n k-box...
selll thgs till i lost my voice..
oh well it is ok..
i haf a gd recover now..haha..=))
picsss tt we took on our way home on the
third day of work..=))
the NE-Line ppl...=))

oh well...u can see for ur-self
we gals haf a better smiles..opphsxx...=))

okok...some other pic..=))
haha...i finally brough a new new hard-disk there too..
$100 for a
yeah new hard-disk..=)))
26 sept the gal whn back to sch for the
F1 bref-ing...
after everythg....ade call me up..
asking me to go
ndp thgy..
oh well i actually didt wanna go coz i was thking tt the
F1 tgy would end-ed late..
but i nv..
so ... i whn for the
NDP dinner..haha..
it is at a pub call
-Baize china-...
well a nice place to enjoy i tot..
thanks to all the ppl there for the wonder-ful food...
n every thgy... thanks for take-ing care if
us oh well ME wif the special n wonder-ful food..
it is really

pic of me n ade..haha..
see how
Red her face is..haha..

food n every thg..
sound n music..
fun n entertainment..
every thgs is great there tot..haha..=))
thanks ppl..=D
thanks a millionsss..=))
more **smilessssss**
oh yup before i forget..
our class had an wonderful class chalet on the
19-20 Aug..haha.. was so super wonder-ful to see so many ppl around..haha...
playing games..
play-ing wii..haha..
ophsx i like
it-is so fun to play wif it..haha..=))
play till the next few days my finger is so pain..haha..
well some nice picss tt i took..haha...=))

well if u wonder how i get the black finger nails..haha..
i got it whn i whn to the chalet.haha..
i brough a new colour to try..
it turns up well..haha..
black looks so cool..hehe..=D
see looks so cool..haha..=DD