she is back..haha..
the gal in this house is finally back to update her blog..
guess she is too pack-ed-up =)
holiday make her more pack-ed-up nn more no time to rest thn normal..haha..
but it is to to be bz thn nothing to do right..haha..XD
okok some updates of her life..=)
too many thgs to blog..
too many words to said..
too many thgs to share..
too many happiness to pass...
too many ppl she miss-edin her life nn she did not knows..
too many thgs tt words cant said..
too many...
too many..
there is too many too many too many in side each too many..
so she is not going to blog out too many too many out of the too many too many..lOl-ed...
so she can't up-laod all the pic...T.T...
there is too many too many of them liao...T.T..lOl-ed...
whn back sch today to take some pic...
all not with her now...
she is getting it to post it up soon she guess..hehe..=))
after tt shen whn shopping with
saw this great x'mas tree...hehe..
nn she like it loxt..hehe..
the gal in this house nn her
dear esther =D
esther for acc her...=)
the gal in this house hope tt next yr x'mas she can celebrate it with more smile thn this yr..=D15 DecCADC mth first nn second event..=))
haf lotx of fun through-out the day..
thanks to everyone tt did the event for cadc..haha..=)
l❤ve ya all..=)
the gal in this house,
meh meh,
ii know it does not look as gd lOl-ed
but jas wat rr uu doing behind me..??
top: see how cute they look in

top; the gals in
grp A...=)
wonderful grp..haha..=D
14dechappy birthday daddy..WE
L❤VE YA..!!..
Hope uu did enjoy ur day...=)
ii thk we would really can/got to enjoy if it did not rain..lOL..T.T...
l❤ve ya lotx daddy...XD
today whn to celebrate
yijia's birthday..=)
a great place we whn too..
but too bad tt ii whn home early...haha...
pictures tell a thousand words.. ..
yi jia nn the
other bday boy..=D
the gal in this house nn
the gal in this house nn
ah liang..=)
the gal in this house nn
the gal in this house nn
the gal in this house nn
meh meh..=)
top: thanks ellson for editing the photo..haha..
nice photo tot..hehe..=))
Thanks a million ellson..=D
11 decX'mas party..haha..
Esmond nn family for hosting the event..=)
yummy foodssss nn lotx of fun..=D
top: no no this is not part of the food....!!..
it is juz tt she is too cute..haha..XD
top: the x'mas tree..haha..
wonder how it would look like whn it is packed with gift...looookkk...
wow..so pack-ed right..haha..
ii can even miss the tree..haha..
top: X'mas party how can dont haf this..hehe..=))
it is the X'mas party...
let's keep the ball rollllllling with pictures...^^..
7-up in it...nn it teast super yummy..
rmb rmb next time rmb to pour
7-up in it to try..haha..=D
top: we
l❤ve foooood..=D
the fun...=D
she is cute right..haha..=D
more pictures to come..^^...
okok...for the fist tie ii really go play majong..lOl..=p
top: so which is which..??
tis is really
he gal in this house first time play-ing..
not even the first round nn ii win..wahahaha..XD
the gal in this house end-ed her day with great smile...thanks everyone for the memories..=)
l❤veshe saw this in sch one day...

CD cover in sch..lOl..
next time hand in assignment can go there take liao..lOl=p
ok any way today is
09Dec nn she is back for grad show meeting..
but thn in the end..ya ya..
whn shop-ping with the grp..=)
he gal in this house l❤ve this..haha..
nn this....
nn this....
l❤ve .jpg)
nn this....
nn this is so super cute nn interesting ^^..
l❤ve .jpg)
full of it...OMG...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
l❤ve ..!!!!!!..
COW COW..!!...
he gal in this house juz
l❤ve all of them ...^^..
whn walking with
emmanuel nn
esther one day....
he gal in this house saw this..!!..
mInI cute pianno..OMG...haha..
the full white one look nice too..haha..
emmanuel with the dino...=)
On on nn on another day out..=)
this is so
BIG right..
he gal in this house wonder why is every thg so
BIG now..lOL...
she hope tt she can live in a candy land forever..
in the sweet dream nn every thg sweet nn
l❤ve tt she
l❤ve-ed would be there with her..=)