n life goes on on earth...
no matter if uu are happy or sad..



yup ii got it from a emails someone send to me a few days ago..haha..
such a beauty of earth...❤..
but wonder how much would these happy things last...=)
human let's play apart n not a part on saving our dear plant earth shall we..=)
❤ the earth that we are living in before it is too late..=)
oK the gal in this house is here to update..=)
many thing happens happy n sad..
up and down...=)
but thn she still wanna stand strong...=)
ppl try not to push her down whn she is trying to stand up again can..haha...
plz if uu dont feel like helping her...thn at least dont push her ba..=)
plz promise ...=)
today whn out to eat bread-first with my parents❤...
yummy food ..haha...
didt feel like taking too much picture..haha..=)
ya the gal in this house at least got try la..ok..haha..
ytd 29 Nov whn to watch a great concert...=)
the Lee Guitars All Star concert Singapore....❤ ..

Emil Chau, Mayday, Tanya Chua, Zhang Zhen Yue,Cheer Chen & Jonathan Lee..
the gal in this house l❤ve watching concert...
coz watching it set her thk..
nn also help her to increase her passion..
hmm..the seat was v.near...
more nearer thn last time..=)
the concert goes more thn 3hrs..haha...
itis more about music nn people and their l❤ve nn link with the Guitars..=)
and how much it does to them..=)
music and songs was well played..=)
and the gal in this house enjoy it alot..haha..❤...
l❤ve most of the songs tt was sang during the concert..=)
and was v.attracted to one of the performance...
one of the person - which ii forgot his name..
actually played 離開地球表面 with juz only the guiarts...❤.....
knocking it.. playing it...wow...!!..
amaza-ed by him...=)
but only the last part where all of them come out to sing....
hmmm..coz not everyone is like singing..=.=..
-she end-ed her day with a smile-
[but some sadnesssss too...
coz she lost her fav ear-ring whn on her way walking to the singapore indoor stadium....T.T]
normal sch days goes by.. ❤ ..
stop nn have a look around...=)
it make uu feel better each time..=)
cute right..hehe..=D
L❤ve ....=)
▼▲ the gal in this house with adeline..haha..=D
oH ya last sunday when to teacher's wedding ❤

▲ this is even more sweet..haha..=)
after tt whn for a walk..some photoes...=)
▲the smile that she sometimes miss..=)
plz remind her to smile..=))
more thn yummmmmyyyy..=)
she l❤ve it..haha..
the gal in this house l❤ve shopping now..
coz every where uu go..
every thing is PURPLE...!!!..nn is like full of cow cow..haha..=)
purple is the next black..
agree agree..=)