Yeah!!!finally all assignment over..^^..
n finally janet got the mood to post..=))
well well..
i am back to the day again of playing facebook for the pass few weeks.. helps alot with my handling of stress...
today 18Aug
super ramdom today...
i decided to take a bus home instate of taking train home from sch today..
n the jounery was tt super long..
but it is ok..haha..
let me haf more time to thk n day dream...^^..
whn back to sch to do n hand in my finalln grp assignment..
so happy to put the assignment into the box..
wahaha..but tot we r late in handing it in..=p
Me on the bus on the way home...
half way through the jounrey thn i rmb tt i can take pic hor..
so i took out my handphone to snap snap..haha..^^*
there is more..
But thn blogspot took v.long to upload..=.=..
so next time la ah..=))
17 AUG
when to HM to return n borrow more more books to read..
When to the M1 shop there..
n guess wat..!!!..
i wanna change my hp to lound phone...
but thn there is no more stock le..=.=...
any other phone for me to buy...
sad sadssss..
top: this is a nic bk to read..
15 Aug
today is the last day of sch...
there is 3 assignment on deadline..
2 was handed in..
and as the lab clossssee..
the last gro assignment is yet to finish..=.=..
but guess it is ok..haha..
when to the SINGAPORE FLYER after tt..
it is like 10pm whn we reach there...
haha..thanks to the NDP thgy...
i can get there at $10..
if not i dont thk i would haf a chance to go..lolx..
take alot of nice photossss..
n thee is still more to come..=))
some other photosssssssssssss....=))
well well...
more to update..
but i cant My dear esther is finally back..
haha...thanks esther for the gift..
saw it..haha..
wif my name on it some more..
so SWEET..^^ Top:
oh ya she brough this back too..
so super big.haha..
how i which chocolate or milk thgs oso got so bit bottle de sia..LOLx..
Happy bday to all the Aug baby..=))

CADC Aug baby celebrations..
haha... =))

birthday celebration for Geriant..^^..
op two:
ah gong birthday is oso on aug..
happy birthday to him too..haha..
Some other photos.. this photo on top look so summer sia..LOLx..
CADC finish it all with pride..haha..
i hope tt i can run more again soon..haha..
such a gd time in running..haha..
i love running..=)) ah net in her number tag..haha..
the three nice phone..=))
Black n White..=))
Wow... she found someone...
NAFPA test...
result out le..
(guess long time ago...haha..)
thanks to all the ppl who trains wif her..=))
thanks a million fo all the jia you..^^..
thanks thanks..=))