Friday (pronunciation IPA: /ˈfraɪdeɪ, ˈfraɪdi/)
is the day of the week falling between Thursday and Saturday.
It is the sixth day in countries that adopt a Sunday-first convention.....
In astrology Friday is connected with the planet Venus.
This associates Friday with love, peace, and relaxation, as well as with emotional intensity and quashed dreams.
It is also connected with the Astrological signs Libra and Taurus. (but why not virgo leh..??)
Random random...
Blogging time...
haf been bz bz this few days...
i dont even know wat am i talking..
so if...if...if i said ant thg wrong plz juz forget about it...
i am currently still at home now..
coz lessson start at 3pm today..
wonder should i go..??..
when for my dental appointment tis morning...
i woke up at 6+++++..
thn fall back to slp again..
on my way walking there..
i kept missing my actual direction...
oh god.. (see how blur i am this few days..??...)
i really dont know wat am i doing sia...=.=..
my appointment is at 8am..
and i reach at like 7.35am..
and i am the first to reach...wahaha..
super early right ...
well i am there to get my teeth wash up..=)

see how empty the place is...!!...haha...
the dentist said tt my tooth is ok..and nothing much..
but he oso wan me to protect my tooth more...
coz he said keeping ur tooth healthy and strong is gd...
ok ok..i would try..
he recomen me some thgs to help keep my teeth strong n healthy...
like a small head tooth brush to help brush my wisdom tooth (i got 2 on top sia)..
thn he said cut down on sweet...(u can replace it)..
n tis n tt..
not bad hor...=)
but thn after tt when i pay i found out some thgs...
thgs is getting more n more exxxx...!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
see the top..
the top and is my bill for today...$37.80...!!..
the bill below is the amount of $$$ tt i pay the last time i when there...
the same 10 mth ago..$$$12.60..
see the different in the amount tt i need to pay...!!
$37.80 and $ much different sia....
but the Dr. is really thk u get for wat u pay ba...=)
after tt i when to the bank...
while i Q up...
i saw this interting thgs...
wow....there is soooooo many thgs inside it..
i wonder how do they know which is for which
ytd (24july)
was somehow a long day..
morning i try v.hard to open my eyes early..
n when for ECI preseation....
ok la...the perseation should be ok ok so so...
after that ...
we when to celebrate the bday boy n gal birthday..haha..
thy r born on the same day..
only one yr different..
below r some of the photos...

a big Big BIG...HAPPY BIRTHDAY..!!!!...
after that i rush to ACM with my fyp grp and the other ACM grp...
interesting pic below...=)

this is really wat the thg said..
interesting right...=)
after that i ruch back sch for my nafa trainning...
there is an improvement in my standing board jump..
there was once tt i hit 190..!!!..but thn...i thk i got an double jump when i jump off..
so not counted..!!!!!!!!!..
i juz one to get 180..yup juz 180 will do..!!..
i got a small improvement on my 2.4 run...
hope tt i can pass too..!~
jia you..!!`
Wed (23july)..
after lesson whn down to club for thgs..
after that i skip my gems today to do ECI...!!..
after tt when to debate final..
when i reach there it haf already ended..
but thn..haha..
some interesting pic during lesson time ....
i got so interest-ed by the different in size...~
Tues (22 july)
whn to train for napfa...
jia you janet..!!!!!!!!!!!..
Oh 29 july is my napfa..
wish me lottttxxx of luck ppl..=)
Mon (21 july)..
today....juz ...
make me wanna slp so so super much...
monday class was as assignment coming in..oh well..~..
below is some rendom pic i toookkk...~

well i enjoy the food i haf..
super thankss to my ah gong for it.....=)
oH i brought the coffeeeeee sweet to eat...yummmmyyyy..

and the train spoil...~ =.=...
at dover it started..
i guess is the train infront of us tt is spoil tt's y..
and we spented about 30minssss??? on it..??
so at commonwealth when the train is still not tt well...
we decided to take bus to NEL and take train home...
top: meeeeee~...
after finish talking the photo the train is still there sia... see on top..
tt is the train tt we took..
but thn after like 15mins or so...
the train start to move as per normal again... random pic on top again...
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