de colours that paints my simple life

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

super tired...!!..

the rain juz pour this morning...pushing me back onto my bed again n again...

n i juz dont feel like geting out of the bed...

my legs hurts..

my eyes cant get open...

i am like why cant today be sat..??...=.=...

i dont feel like moving...

well today lesson was kind of ok so~.. gems suddenly make me wanna slp sia..
today teacher ask me questions in gems thn i was like..hur..??
coz i was somehow sleeping..

my eyes juz wanna close..
n it feels like...
plz dont let it open..
juz let my eyes be close....

today i finally get to go book my nafra test le..
it is on the 29july...
hope i can do it well...=)
jia more you janet...!!!..

top: i like lolipop..

top: look the class is full of card games...haha..

oh well after lesson today..

i was so not into assignment..
so when down club with ah jie..
n play we r like so long nv play with tgt le la..
after one round i played 2 round with irene..
haha... n guess how long it takes for me to play the 3round in total..
well 2hrs..!!...

ok whatever..
after that when to collect my GV card.. thank ah jie for acc me..=)

top: cute right the card..haha..
movie anyone..???..

Top: old ah jie..
eating my pop cone...

Top: the two nothing to do ppl on the train..
actually we did took a number of pictures..
but i am too lazy to up load all of it .. =p

[End of wed....
wow tt's fast...]

[Tuesday.. (08 july)
a day when monday is gone..]

there is a common questions ask today...
interesting question...

hmm.. today ade ask me..
"net wan go malaysia..??"

thn boss ask me..
"net..we planing to go malaysia tgt..."

oh ok...
can anyone tell me is this the season of going overseas..??..

but i really feel like going..
i heaven tell mummy about it..
i thk she would somehow kill

but i juz feel like going out with my frens..
going malaysia tgt..
having fun tgt..
esp with STUN..

i mean.. if now dont enjoy..
thn wait till when..??..

oh welll...
i when 6 round (8 july)..
i thk i too long nv run le..
after running..i am like..
i dont know... ...
dont ask me... ...

after that have some captain ball game with yr1,yr2,y3..haha...
oh well gd game people...

i really miss the time when we all play last yr...
well time changes..
n we should change to fit into it too....

class on tues is as normal..
FYP lesson time..

well i kind of agree with wat teacher said...
he said some thing liktt..
"u kept on trying to save the fire...
but thn it would come a time that ur fire would go too big for u to save it...
y not find another ways..."

yup i should find other ways...
it would not work out this way anymore..
i am really too tired...

the fire is going to big...
and i know at some point of time..
it would be bigger..


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