long time nv post..
let me updat some pic during times in itp..
ok la..
not bad finally itp end le....
super fast..
this is a post for me to keep as a memories ba....since i actually dont really know wat to post.. wat oso not
hmm...but anywaay ITP was to thanks every one for taking care of me there.
super fast another yr gone le....
i thk it is time for me to plan n go on.....
hmm...pic posted is NOT accounding to dates n events...


last day at office..=)

some papers left that i took for recycler...haha..

the shoes that we brought....

the bear i draw cute right..haha..

i painted ..haha...for F.O. telematch..

going back office to work on sat..haha..

this means every thing when u r in office ion sat to regain ur energy..haha


the night view...

them play bb..haha..

i just love it...
yummy yummy..!!!..=p

me after FO....
the black black gal in office..haha

the food after camp...

the meals in camps...haha...

wow....beach game..haha...
the sun is just super hot.>!!!!!!

see the setup on a set..haha..

set is fun...but tired..
very super tired..

the nice sweets....
yummy yummy..!!!=p

saw that cute thgsd..haha.

all red...!!!!!!...
lucky to said that it is not me...

the food....nice right all green..haha..

my sweet sweet=p

filming at the science center...=)