welllo janet is back.. [[ohoh the gal in this house is back..]]
haf been long since she updated her blog..
hello blog blog how are uu...
itis kind of hard to start updating blog again since ii stopped long ago..lOL..
but there is lotx tt ii wanna share...=)
my 3 yrs of life in poly have ended...
like errr...
kind of " wat!!! so fast...."
errr..kind of dont wan to type so much..
see pictures ba..
a pictures tells a thousand word...
these pictures are pictures that ii have miss out in posting for the past few mths...
janet... as one person...one individual.. (pic-below-taken in grad show 2009)

have to thanks everyone around her tt haf teaches her things nn also sharing those happy memories with her...=)
her lovely frens with her....(first...her classmates..)

they always have...well well some errr...disagreement...

but thgs always ends welllllllllll...=)
(ii kind of like this pic..haha..nice right..thanks zoe for taking it..=D)

they all haf lots of fun..!!..
nn they do thgs tgt...
thanks grad show committee.. for finishing the grad show tgt..
guess it was the best memories ii have in DDM..=)
Below the DDM graduation committee 2009 ..!!!...

below...the whole of DDM..!!..
DDM photo taken at graduation show 2009 de cinena old school..

it is akways fun to be able to take pictures with DDM...coz there would always be so many many of us in it...hehe...=D

below..the last lesson we had tgt in SP..=)

below..having fun nn memories tgt..=)

wow..!!...fight fight..RUN RUN..!!...-below-

-below- oh plz plz...forgive mi.!!...
let mi gooooooo..!!..

dance dance...lets dance tgt...
YEAH YEAH...!!!...

we celebrate tgt as well=)
below is our dearest Adeline's 21th bday....

ohoh..below is junlong's 21th bady..
which was taken..errr..v.v.v.v.v.v.long ago in some whr near the beginning of 2009..LOL..

-below-hey hey look her 1...2...3...say YEAH..!!..

below is DDM X'mas celebration..=)

DDM. ---a fun grp of ppl that ii would nv forget..=D

oHoH..DDM..!!..we graduated tgt too..=)

it is so gd to be able to graduating with ur love onces
and those who share memories with ya tgt..=)
thanks everyone..=D
next next pictures with the most 'guo wei' grp of ppl..
tt ii would nv nv forget..
present the--STUNs..!!!..

we haf lotx of fun outing and gathering..
that ii would nv forget..

errr..it is oso coz coz...
we always do stun-ing thgs...like like..errr...

having 8ppl in a car nn travel like dont know how long in singapore..LOL

and also...we have walk and learn tgt in cadc..=)
-below- STUN de st. john island...as cooks for the lst time..=)

STUNs as MIUs/Helpers in fusion 09/10 -below-

oh welll..err..
we love to do crazy thgs tgt..haha...
look look below..

-below- stun at FO round up 09/10

-below- STUN wif PC of FO camp 09/10 =D

we are STUN...!!...
nn we are strong too..haha..
see see -below- the gals are strong too..haha..

STUN de cadc x'mas gathering2008..=)

ii love the pic below..haha..
STUN de act cool..haha..
thanks ellson for photoshopping the picture for us..=)

oHoH..as STUNs..how can we miss out on celebrations..
below is jasmine 21th bday celebration..haha..

-below- is the lastest photo with STUNs.

nn nn..
we travels tgt too...
Below STUNs batam trip...
ohoh..we played paint ball tgt..haha..
although it is kind of more towards 'pain' ball..haha..

is either we are a team or we are not..lOl..
-below- taken at batam...ii love the photoshop-ing..haha..
thanks ellson...err or was it ah liang..haha..

-below- the 4 gals de batam..
thanks gals..=)


Harris the place that we stay-ed in batam..

-below- cch.plz rmb tt uu onces try-ed to cover my face in a picture..!!..

-below- ii like this photos..
coz err..after looking at most of our pictures..
ii thn found this picture tt we are..err..serious..lOl...

STUNs in mi nn yijia's room on our last day de batam..

thanks for the memories in batam..=)
and as STUNs..we graduated as top students tgt too..haha..

we act cool..lOl

trying to be fool..

nv care abt the pool..

but thats all the memories..=)

love ya..

jump jump jump..!!!
how can ii miss up on jump shoots..haha..

the 'J's' team.??..haha..

the ppl from school of DMIT

errr...hellllloooo singapore..
plz take note that there is a grp of err..
stun-ing ppl graduating from SP..
so plz be careful..errr..
whn uu see thm..

-below- STUNs de CADC-the place we meet nn get to know eachother from...

ohoh..whn for a camp sometime ago..
it is call Camp Eureka..=)

a camp for the young kids...

got to thanks ah jie for getting mi in the camp..=)
coz ii learn alot from them..nn oso from the kids..=)

oHoH..look who's is that.??..

see see everyone wanna take pic with him..LOL..
Dr. Cockroach ...haha...

this is the first time tt ii got to really really agree tt..
kids are fun group of ppl to be with..=)

ii love it whn the smile...
nn they play as a team..
nn enjoy wat they are playing..=)

-below-jump jump..
kids jump..haha..
first time..ii can take jump shoot by standing at the back..lOl..

thanks to everyone in Camp Eureka...=)
ii learn..
nn...ii enjoy..=D
oHoH..was working in REM 2 too..=)

top ii love this pic taken by thm..coz itis PURPLE..haha..
-below-is picture taken in siva wedding..=)

kind of weird to end a post like this..haha..
but thanks everyone for help-ing janet to grow..
nn oso being with her nn create memoreis with her..
life might nv be the same as it always is...
things might change..
but but..
memoreis..... would nv change...no matter wat..=D