hellloooo... =)
the gal in this house is finally here to clean her blog n blog on a little... =)
quite alot of thgs happens this few weeks..
well wat day would haf nothing happens..??..
but all this is for me to grow..
no matter is it a gd or bad..but i still learn in it..
i guess it would be a waste if uu learn nothing whn uu fall...
but on well but ii nv fall la ok..=)
is juz tt ii was kept on thking alot these day..
oh well the first every questions is..
wat job should janet takes after she grad from poly...
gd questions right..
this question is now being open to all to answer... =)
yup she need e help line bad-ly... ...
to help her in answering this question...=.=..
life of janet is as usual...fyp is making her wanna cry..lol..
all right let's hope to see the rainbow soon...=))
smile gal...(hope it works)...
today is e 28Oct...
tuesday is as usual the morning morning early early lesson time...
where by the alram would ring n ring n ring..lOl..
n it goes on n on n on n on n.... .... ...
ok pictures of the day..=)
haha...it is juz so janet..lOl...
purple + cow + milk bottler...
oh ade..are uu try-ing to killlll.....
top: some tot of the day...
sometimes 'one' may look lonely...
but does 'two' really makes more miracles.?..(bottom)
they rr juz as nice... =D
sunday 26Oct ...
got a meet up wif serene n angie for some shopping..
yup really a window shopping..haha...=)
brought nothing...but a new jacket before ii whn over to meet thm..=)
i juz love shopping wif them..=)
tot ii look so sad liktt..lOl...
bad moods ever since sch re-open...
can this gal in this house plz smile more...
thank you ..X.X...
25Oct a great sat..
S.T.U.N. outing..haha..
I LOVE STUN..!!!..
thanks for everythg..=)
the outing is actually to celebrate the Oct n Sept baby bday...
though not many turn up in the end..
but ii still haf fun fun... =D
whn to eat subway for the first time with some of thm..
nn ii guess ah liang should be the most happy person of the day...
coz he finally got to go eat subway.. =D
whn roller blade tgt..
n it was kind of fun..though ii fall down 4 time on my back..
(p.s. my back still hurts now after 3 days..T.T..)
got to thanks xin yu n ellson for teaching me..=D
a cute n pretty hat... =D
i promise to make more wonderfullll milo for uu all in camps..haha..=p
after tt we whn to eat dinner..=)
hmm..yup interesting...haha..=)
thursday 23 Oct came ...fast like anything..
wn walking around the sch..lOl...
show this shoes tt is like the lenght of her leg..??..O.o

should she get one..??..
she got her-self with some interesting thgs..
n the book looks so cool with it..lOl..
moo moo..love moo moo... =D
tHuesday 21Oct...meet up wif ah jie after the normal sch day...
catch Eagle Eye..
i wanna catch the movie like v.long ago but no time nn like no one wanna watch liktt..lOl..
lucky got ah jie..lOl..
the story was interesting...
somehow it reminds me of i-robbot..
haha...but ofcoz this is a more effect-ed-up movie as compare to the old one..
but was wish-ing for more high angle n great camera angle...=)


but she still looks cool right..haha..=p

look so like a tai tai..lOl..
the 18Oct and 19OCt was kind of interesting day....
meet up wif STUN in august house to do card for the sept n oct baby..=)
see how nice the card is..haha..interesting right..
janet juz love ART..haha..=p
believe me.. =D

it is tired..but fun making CARDs....haha.. =D
friday the 17 Oct...
thanks cadc welfare for orangiazing the sept n oct baby birthday party for us =)
well the 'US' contain alot of ppl..but somehow...i forgot all all all the names...
so happy bday..
n happy belated bday to all... =D
it is ....egg tartsss..haha..
i loVe to eat it again... =D
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