
okok...i should b doing my assignmnet now...
okok..i know i know tt i haf been resting the whole morning in class....
but i got do thgs wat...haha....atleast i am one step from ytd....
hmm.....watever it is i thk my class going to kill me le...
i can ask a simple question on n on n on again...
one question ask 10 tmes...
haha...i thk thy going to kill me le...
but i still like my fun....
haha....we talk talk play play..
haha...ofcouse do assignment la..
haha....really got to thanx my class for bring so much happinesssss to my life...
haha....ah...thy also very very hard working....
so i muz work hard too..
ok ok morning cant really wakeup...
cos too tired le ma...hmm....thn pull myself out of my bed bed lor..
wat can i do....
thn on the a boy(i thk 5yrs old) e mother tell him to said gd bye to the mother fren..
but he dont really wan..
thn i look at him n smile...he smile
thn whn he going to alight..
he look at me...thn i look at him n wave bye bye..
he wave back....n kept looking at me..
haha....i thk the mother oso abit impress...
haha...this is a note to uncle who said no children would like me..
ok ok to go back to do assignment le..
but jiayou.....

wed...haha...ahhhh...wat am i doing..
blogging again...
i should b doing my 3D MRTL right..
but i got no mood le...dont know why..
where haf all my mood gone too...
may b cos i got alotx (most) dont know how to's y ba..
how i whis i can understand 3D better...
ok ok....lets talk about today..
i make sure i got it fast..
thn can go do assignment...
but first got to said so so so sorrry to wan ting and welfare comm...
for not being adle to go their event today...which was juz now..
coz this bz n stuoid n slow gal here need do assignment..
ok ok...starting....
2day morning in class...finally 3DMATL class got use le..
do assignment la...dont know got whole class to ask n talk too..some more when u c so many many ppl working u will oso wan to work more..
or fouce urself to do work do work..
but i didt meet my target...(at first can de...but thn...haiz)
ok ok...but me now trying to hit back okok..
but i thk cant le...cos i dont know how to do thm....WAT the...
going to kill myself..
thn go meet uncle sorry to make uncle wait for me...
he so old le still need to wait for young ppl (which is me) to come..
hmmm....thn go back for fav....
n u know wat...teacher said got gems assignment 3 to do..(which i actually aready know le)
n he tell us today 2hr finish it thn next wk can dont need go lesson..
n me...finish it in 2hr time..
wahahaha...(ok ok actually almost everyone finish it)
thn....i was thking if my 3DMRTL is the same (can finish it in 2hr)..thn i thk i wold not go crazy so fast ba..
some more my gems is somethg...abit..ok ok alittl to do with 2D..
but u know 3D use up 10000000000000000000000 times more time thn my gems..
cant understand why Why WHY....
okok...thn rush to club..(again=.=)...
meet all my IC's for SP Tunes...
really got to thanx thm lotx lotx...
haha.....really....coz without thm janet sure die....may b aready die le..
but i thk thy also dont wish to c me die la..haha...(right right)
ok ok...thn wan go home n said for 1hr this words thn got to leave club..
ok rush home...spend my past 1hr 30 min trying to slove a prob...who is only haf solve....tml go ask c who can help..
hmm...thn bloging lor...
ahhhhh....5 day..
or should i said 4 day to the end of the world.....of MRTL...of DEAD...
ok it is not ez....but not tt hard tot...=.=
n u know wat 2 day...or 1 day towards sp tunes (oh ya uncle is sp tunes NOT itunes) janet got to call out another janet to do work also..ok...i wan PUT myself into 3D thn duplicate another janet out...
i thk 2 not enough...may b 5..
haha....thn put in manipulators, clusters, IK splines, RevFoot......and every thg...
haiz.....load janet driving on the left...thn whatever on the right..
thn parent thm...thn group thm...thn make sure thy move....
hahahahahaha.....crazy le...
ok i thk i do abit mpre thn go slp le..
tml 8am lesson....=.=
wat couse is this..-.-...
no life...=.=....
if wat ever is done can b solve by a sory...thn ppl would not get hurt..??
i am juz sad...ppl always see apart of thgs....did you all turn the thg 180 to c wat is really behind there...n understand how the other side of ur hand feel....
not till until u feel the pain...n found tt the real pain come from the other side..n it is aready hhurting till nothg can solve it le...
till thn doc would tell u.....cut it off....
let it left ur body..... be apart....not a part anymore....
by thn u woild really feel the pain again..not juz a pain...
but two...though the hand is heal....but the most hurting on is always unheal....
n if there is away to it......
i thk everyone would do so.....

here is the part two..
hmm....buing AF sam's friend got her a cake too...haha...
i thk she muz b very very happy abt her bday..
how sweet they r...haha.....
sam happy bday again...hmmm...
hmm...during AF teacher show us some cartoon..
which i thk was it lotx sia..
but u know wat..assignment for 3DMRTL is coming to an dead.._=.=_
ahhhh...thking of tt spoil my mood in watching it....
thn go club (ya ya again)..=.=
thn after tt quick quick..(actually not tt quick la)...GO HOME..
why...coz got to do assignment..thn got lotx dont know how to i wish i can bring one of my classmate who know how to do back to m y home...thn got ppl to ask whn i dont know...
any way got a early night..
cos dont know how to do ma...=.=
not i dont wan...but if can ..can anyone come my house leave.....teach me how to do my assignment....=.=...

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